Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders is an integrated leadership program that focuses on building understanding, self-awareness, and skills to assist leaders in effectively leading a group or organization to achieve business outcomes. Based on the book The Work of Leaders by Julie Straw, Mark Scullard, Barry Davis, and Susie Kukkonen, this program uses best-practice research to teach the process most effective leaders follow. The program gives learners a fundamental language and clear framework for leading and supports behavioral change through teaching the skill sets required to increase business performance. This program focuses on the fundamental work of leaders: the process of creating a Vision, building Alignment around that vision, and championing Execution of the vision.
- Learn about visioning, the drivers of visioning, and the best practices of visioning
- Increase awareness about current visioning behaviors and practice the skills that are needed for visioning
- Define alignment, discuss drivers of alignment, and share best practices
- Identify current alignment behaviors and practice skill-building activities
- Provide insight and receive insight from peers with regard to alignment
- Define execution, discuss drivers of execution, and share best practices
- Define the role of champion and related behaviors
- Identify current execution behaviors and practice skill-building activities to enhance your ability to execute
- Provide insight and receive insight from peers with regard to execution
- A crafted vision of new possibilities for the future through exploration, boldness, and testing assumptions
- Proven method to communicate with clarity, engage in dialogue, and provide inspiration, so everyone is moving in the same direction
- Champion execution through momentum, structure, and feedback to enable the group to make the vision a reality
Supported Competency Focus Area(s)
- Self-Awareness
- Relating
- Thinking
- Working
- Leading
- Teaming
In-person: 1-4 days
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Profile